A New Season…


It’s been a while since we posted. With the kiddos home over Summer, the conferences Sissy and I have been attending and the exciting new opportunities we are working on, we took a little break from our blog to refresh, BUT WE ARE BACK and stronger than ever!

It may look on the outside that we are just always out having fun, and while we do a lot of that, there is so much more to who we are! Our commitment as sisters is something we live together daily; from grocery shopping and doing errands together, to lounging at home watching movies or just doing absolutely nothing! We do it all together. Our friendship is far from casual! It’s a DAILY pursuit of fierce passion, intimacy and vulnerability! It’s loyal through trials! You didn’t think you could have that in friendship? Did you know Jesus refers to US as friends? How much more passionate does it get!

Over the summer, we attended a few Worship Conferences with our Spiritual Mama and Mentor, Cheryl Salem and we have been very blessed to sit under her feet in her home and glean from all she is teaching us on leading in this generation and all God is calling us to. From there, the Lord is opening doors of opportunities for us we never in a million years thought we’d be embarking on as two ordinary sisters from the Inland Empire, but here we are running hand in hand through life’s greatest adventures.

We also had an exciting summer enjoying each other deeper and our family as it grows and matures with us! Covenant was never something we put on the back burner, but something we committed to nurture each and every day of our lives and has been the best decision we made. To have someone who knows you better than you know yourself, that can understand your joy or pain before you ever open your mouth, fiercely protect and defend you beyond comprehension – it’s something no dream or money could ever buy. What Sissy and I have learned these past couple months about our friendship, covenant and the plan we believe God has for this generation is becoming clearer to us. What we want to do this next season with this blog and our social media sites is to be more transparent with our everyday life, to truly display what dedicated covenant looks like and the many ways God uses us together to change the world around us. We hope you will stick around as we embark on a new season and please let us know your stories, thoughts and suggestions!



*Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Facebook (Sunflower and Sunshine Blog)

Instagram (sunflowersunshine0506)

Look out for new blogs this season as we share new topics and go even deeper! And stay tuned for an exciting announcement coming soon!!!